Republic Wireless’ new Moto G is here!

Update: First of all, it looks like my ‘referral’ link is working now. Use this link: http://rws​​U to purchase your new phone and we’ll both save some money. Thank you!

Update: I got to see my first Moto G yesterday. It’s an AMAZING phone. You definitely won’t be disappointed.



As you know, I’m a Republic Wireless fan. I started my relationship with them with the not-so-great Motorola Defy XT phone, but really liked their service and the price of their ‘unlimited everything’ plan. Then they came out with the Motorola Moto X phone and revised their price plans. Things just kept getting better, and most recently they anounced and as of April 17 have made available the Motorola Moto G phone at half the price of the Moto X with very comparable features (except for the lack of 4G access with the Moto G).


In my mind, this new phone, along with the Moto G price plans, is a game changer. Considering the quality of the phones Republic now offers, the quality of their service, and of course, their prices, how can you not consider dumping your over-priced AT&T or Verizon plans and moving to Republic? Well, I can think of a few, like with AT&T someone in customer support will actually answer the phone when you call. Not so with Republic. Their support is done via ‘communities’ and e-mail, not by phone. Oh, and if your an iPhone lover, Republic only offers Android options. And there’s no bringing a non-Republic phone you might already own into Republic. Can’t be done…

One simply needs to accept the fact that some things will be different when taking the lower cost route with cellular services. That said, Republic’s products and services work well, so lack of live support has been a non-issue for me, and the $150 to $200 I save each month with 4 phones on my Republic plan reminds me that I made the right decision.

So, why are you waiting? Since the new Moto G became available, a few of my customers have called to tell me they’re making the switch. But since the phone is brand new, I can’t report out how well it’s working here. But it won’t be long, and I’ll update this post when I have more information.

Should you be interested in signing up for Republic Wireless, please try out this ‘referral link’: http://rws​​U. The way it’s supposed to work is that you get $20 off your order and I get $20 off my bill. Try it out, it might just work, saving us both a few bucks. Thanks!


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