Adobe Photoshop too expensive?

Let me introduce you to GIMP and Krita. First GIMP…

GIMP (GNU Image Manipulation Program) is a free and open-source raster graphics editor used for image manipulation (retouching) and image editing, free-form drawing, transcoding between different image file formats, and more specialized tasks. It is not designed to be used for drawing, though some artists and creators have used it for such. (source)

GIMP runs on Windows, Mac, and Linux, and it’s free! For those new to GIMP, here is an excellent place to start:

GIMP Quickies
Use GIMP for simple graphics needs without having to learn advanced image manipulation methods. Including:

And you’ll also find YouTube to a useful resource when learning how to use GIMP, or any software for that matter! Here are some potentially useful YouTube videos:

And a screen shot of the default screen you’ll be greeted with when starting GIMP for the first time (less the space image):

I think for long time Adobe Photoshop users who are looking for a less expensive (free) tool, GIMP makes a lot of sense and would be relatively easy to learn.

So, what is KRITA? This is a new one for me…

Krita (inspired by the Swedish words krita, meaning “crayon” (or chalk), and rita which means “to draw”) is a free and open-source raster graphics editor designed primarily for digital art and 2D animation. The software features an OpenGL-accelerated canvas, color management support, an advanced brush engine, non-destructive layers and masks, group-based layer management, vector artwork support, and switchable customization profiles. (source)

Krita runs on WindowsmacOSLinuxAndroid, and ChromeOS.

For those new to Krita, start here: Tutorials and How-tos

Then head over to Krita’s YouTube channel:

And a screen shot (borrowed from Wikipedia):

Comparison of raster graphics editors – Here’s a list of a ‘few’ more options (free and paid) should you be interested in exploring the competition.


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