Category Archives: Tips

Roku – best thing since sliced bread!

You know the expression “greatest thing since sliced bread”?  Well, you might not think sliced bread was such a great innovation (I don’t), but I would change the phrase to be “best thing since Roku”.  If you have internet access … Continue reading

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Simplify (when you’re troubleshooting tech problems)

After spending a bunch of time on a tech call today and eventually having to call Dell to solve a wireless printer connectivity problem, I was reminded that tech problems are often easier to solve if you take the time … Continue reading

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My e-mail account has been hacked! What do I need to do next?

Many of the ‘free’ e-mail account providers have relatively weak security that leaves your e-mail account exposed to hacking or hijacking.  If your e-mail account has been compromised, start by changing your e-mail account password (maybe to one that’s a … Continue reading

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