Linux Fans – this is for you!

For those of us who have been fans of Linux for years, and perhaps even use Linux daily, how many of us really ‘know’ Linux? I’m one of those that knows my way around Linux pretty well, but there’s a lot more I need to learn, and should learn in order to effectively support my Linux user base.

So, when I saw this recent article on the arstechnica web site – $2,400 “Introduction to Linux” course will be free and online this summer – I decided the time is right to get down and dirty with Linux. And if you want to climb aboard as well, you be happy to know the course opened up on August 1st, 2014. I’m ‘auditing’ the course, so there’s no fee and I’ll not receive a certificate for course completion, though this is a certificated program. To receive a certificate you’ll need to complete the coursework and pass the final exam. You’ll also need to pay some money ($250 minimum donation) during sign-up if this is your intention.

But for those who want to audit the course, start here. If you haven’t done so already, you’ll need to create an eDX account before registering. Once you’re in eDX, you’ll access this link ( to begin the course sign-up process.

I’m not too far into the course yet, but what I’ve seen so far makes me believe that the course will be very interesting (for all the geeks among us) and informative. Once I’ve gotten further into the course material, I’ll report again regarding the quality of the learning process and its content.

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