Why I didn’t buy the Roku 3…

I can write all day about gadgets and gizmos like Roku or Apple TV, and I even get hands on experience when I buy one for a customer.  But until now I haven’t had to choose and purchase a recent version of either of these devices for myself.  What makes matters worse is that both Apple and Roku keep revising their products to make them even more interesting.

Roku’s recent addition to its product line is the Roku 3.  This is a really interesting device that added even more features to an already great electronic hockey puck.  So here I sit, trying to decide between an Apple TV for $100 or a Roku 3 for $100.  Of course I would never pay $100 for the Apple TV because I can get a perfectly good refurbished one for less than $90, but the Roku 3 is too new so no refurbs, no deals.  What to do, what to do?

I did an apples to apples (pun intended) comparison of the two and the lack of Amazon Prime on the Apple TV was a problem, and the lack of AirPlay functionality on the Roku would be a problem since Roku seems reluctant to stream YouTube to its device.  These omissions are minor to some, but they’re important to me.  Enter Twonky.  OK, now I have AirPlay-like functionality on the Roku including the ability to stream YouTube and other stuff to my TV.

Now comes the big decision since Roku’s ahead in the running.  Comparing features of the various Roku products, I have a need for 1080p, wired Ethernet and USB.  So it seems my only choice is the Roku 3.  But wait!  There’s something missing.  Someone’s pulled a fast one on us and removed the popular Roku 2 XS from the line up.  Hmmm – wonder why they did that?

Turns out the Roku 2 XS has HDMI, an Ethernet jack, USB, and even a stereo audio output jack.  I’m just guessing here, but I think Roku obsoleted the XS because it was too similar to the Roku 3 and they’re really pushing the virtues of the 3 now.  The good thing for us is ‘obsolete’ in tech terms translates to good deals.  Let’s see now, I can buy a new Roku 3 for $100 plus tax, no shipping, or a refurbished  Roku 2 XS for $55, no tax, no shipping.  Yes, I’m cheap, I admit it.  But this is too good a deal to pass up, so I ordered my Roku 2 XS and will pass on both the Apple TV and the Roku 3 this time ‘round.

PS – It looks like the $55 Roku 2 XS deal has passed, but I expect there will be similar deals as they try to get rid of inventory.  It’s worth looking for since the XS is an incredible device, but I think I got lucky catching the 1-day eBay deal.

PSS (or is that PPS?) – If you’re an Apple iOS or Android tablet owner, check out the Roku Remote in the App (Play) Store.  Depending on the version of Roku you have, there’s more or less functionality supported by the remote, but for my Roku 2 XS and the Roku 3, all the functionality is turned on.  One of the features I really like on the tablet-based remote is the pop-up keyboard which makes things like serching on the Roku much easier.  Check it out…

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