Zoom Basics for instructors

Below are 3 videos I created for instructors that are new to teaching using the on-line Zoom platform. For those familiar with the classroom instruction experience, the transition to Zoom could be problematic due in part to the way Zoom works (technology), and in part to the loss of the classroom dynamic (social interaction).

My goal with these videos is to help those needing to get up to speed on Zoom for the Fall semester to do so quickly. Understanding how the platform works and best known methods for Zoom instruction should get you over the hump as you embrace this technology, allowing you to focus more energy on customizing your course materials and delivery style to accommodate the online platform and the needs of your students.

The videos included below cover these three topics:

  • Zoom basics, including platform choice, account setup, settings, starting your first Zoom session, and Zoom-etiquette (for instructors and students)
  • Zoom settings and controls available once your Zoom session has started
  • Zoom instruction ‘work-flow’ (it’s very important to figure out your work-flow and practice until you’re comfortable with the controls Zoom provides)

You’ll quickly find that teaching on Zoom is very different than teaching in a classroom. That said, instructors are successfully adapting to this platform and you can too. Prepare to be a little intimidated at the outset, but stick with it and your reward will be your ability to continue to deliver your course to those who really want to hear what you have to say.

Thank you, and feel free to contact me via e-mail if you have questions about Zoom not covered in the videos… [glenmaxson@gmail.com]

Video 1 – Zoom Basics

Video 2 – Zoom Setting and Controls

Video 3 – Zoom Work-Flow

And my script for the videos that you might find useful:


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